ReproHack in LatinR 2020

On Thursday 8 October 2020, a scientific reproducibility hackathon was carried out within the conference activities. This hackathon was organized by the LatinR team in conjunction with the ReproHack community ♻️.

There were two ways of participation in the hackathon: (1) As an author: sending your article so participants try to reproduce it on the day of the event. (2) Attending the hackathon: Those who participated were able to learn from the experience of trying to get back the results and leave comments to the authors.

In a relaxed atmosphere, we met people from Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Ecuador, Uruguay, Peru, Mexico, Nicaragua, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Spain and the United Kingdom to spend an afternoon sharing information on reproducibility and working on the articles.

During the hackathon we had 4 talks (in Spanish!) that were recorded on a special playlist on the LatinR YouTube channel and you can access them here.


Maëlle Salmon and Miguel Alvarez in turn recorded two videos representing the ROpenSci community. The videos were shown on the day of the event, and Anna Krystalli, founder of ReproHack and also editor of ROpenSci, answered live questions.

Participating in the organization (in alphabetical order): Juliana Benitez, Florencia D’Andrea, Anna Krystalli, Daniela Gawehns, Priscila Minotti, David Pérez-Suárez and Roxana Villafañe.

👩‍💻 Do you want to know more about ReproHack?

Here is some information of interest about this community and computational reproducibility (in English):

👉 Join the ReproHack Slack!

ReproHack team (In alphabetical order): Florencia D’Andrea, Daniela Gawehns, Anna Krystalli, Linda Nab, Riccarda Propart and Paloma Rojas-Saunero.

We thank the RSE group of the University of Sheffield and The Software Sustainability Institute for supporting ReproHack.